As the UK’s music licensing company for more than 140,000 performers and recording rightsholders, we license recorded music when it is played in public or broadcast on the radio or TV in the UK and then distribute the fees to the performers and recording rightsholders we represent. Through a network of international agreements with collective management organisations (CMOs) in other countries, PPL is also able to collect royalties for performers and recording rightsholders when their recorded music is played around the world.
We are committed to delivering excellent customer service and do not retain a profit for our services. After the deduction of operating costs, the licensing revenue is distributed fairly and efficiently to the performers and recording rightsholders we represent, based on the use of their music.
PPL and music licensing
PPL licenses TV and radio broadcasters to play recorded music as part of their programming, with licensees ranging from the BBC, ITV, Channel4, Five and Sky to commercial radio networks such as Capital, Heart and Absolute Radio, as well as certain online services. We also license music suppliers to copy recorded music for services such as in-store music systems, jukeboxes, compilations for exercise classes and in-flight entertainment systems.
Our joint venture with PRS for Music, PPL PRS Ltd, issues licences to hundreds of thousands of businesses and organisations from all sectors across the UK playing recorded music in public. These can range from bars, nightclubs, shops and hotels to offices, factories, gyms, schools, universities and local authorities.
Through our sister company, VPL, we also license music videos for uses including TV broadcast and – again via PPL PRS Ltd – when they are shown in public.
Who are our members?
More than 140,000 performers and recording rightsholders are registered with PPL.
Our members range from session musicians and emerging artists to major record labels and globally successful performers – all of whom are entitled to be fairly paid for the use of their recorded music. Through agreements with collective management organisations (CMOs) around the world, we are able to collect royalties for our members across the globe, whilst also representing those CMOs’ own members for PPL licensing purposes in the UK.
Find out more about the difference between PPL and PRS for Music
PPL’s purpose and values
We give back to music: collecting and distributing revenue for performers and recording rightsholders.
This is built on:
- Maximising distributable revenue via simple and effective licensing and collections, fair and efficient distributions and prudent cost management.
- Delivering a quality service to a diverse community of members, licensees, and partner and customer CMOs.
- Improving the quality of our processes, systems and data.
- Being a global leader in the collective licensing of music, forming strategic partnerships, and driving for improvements across the industry.
- Recruiting and developing our people, improving how we work together and maintaining a diverse, engaged and ambitious team.
A set of defined values can develop and refine the culture of a company and help translate the elements of its brand, and what it stands for, into greater employee understanding. In turn, that can shape behaviours that drive the company forward appropriately. Our values are:
We are the professional face for our clients. We serve with a smile and go the extra mile when representing them. Our job is to protect our members’ rights, and make sure their talent and investment is rewarded fairly. Wherever in the world our members’ music is played, we lead international work to bring their royalties back to them.
We share a passion for music – that’s why we do what we do. Collaboration creates great things; everyone’s talent deserves recognition and each of our members is important to us. For our members, we do the heavy lifting. We take the pain away, simplifying processes so they can focus on creating their music.
We take an entrepreneurial approach, working together to create new ways to deliver better service and solve business challenges. We talk to regulators, broadcasters, musicians, and the wider music industry – our connections allow us to deliver better service. We spot the gaps, think commercially, and make sure our members receive all their dues.
We work for our members. They see the numbers, they see the results – it’s what our business is built on. No-one knows this industry better. We get to the point, and tell it how it is – in plain English. We don’t make unfounded guesses or estimates; we deliver the most accurate music reporting data there is.
Who PPL works with
PPL works closely with a wide range of music industry bodies to support music both in the UK and internationally. We also support a number of charities including our support for emerging artists through our funding partnership with PRS Foundation for the PPL Momentum Music Fund and the International Showcase Fund.