Q4 distribution brings total paid out by PPL in 2020 to over £260 million
London, 17 December 2020 – In its Q4 distribution today, PPL will make a payment of £42.8 million to more than 112,000 performers and recording rightsholders, either as direct members of PPL or indirectly through other collective management organisations (CMOs). This is the first time PPL has paid over 100,000 performers and recording rightsholders in a single distribution.

These monies were collected by PPL for the use of recorded music in the UK and internationally. Across all distributions made to date in 2020, of both international and UK revenue, PPL has now paid out £260.2 million.
Also included in this Q4 payment is £0.7 million from PPL’s sister company VPL, which licenses music videos when they are played in public or broadcast on TV.
This is also the sixth year that non-featured performers active in the 1960s have received supplementary remuneration administered by PPL for Copyright Term Extension (see notes below). Over 7,000 performers from the UK and around the world received supplementary remuneration allocations in this distribution.
Peter Leathem, PPL Chief Executive Officer said: “We are pleased to end 2020 by paying over 100,000 performers and recording rightsholders, the first time we have done so in a quarterly distribution. It has been a tough year for many but, thanks to our neighbouring rights expertise, leading technology infrastructure, and the hard work of PPL employees, our quarterly distributions have been able to provide a stable and much-needed revenue stream. This distribution also brings our total 2020 payments to over £260 million, reflecting the strength of our UK and worldwide royalty collections, adding value to the performers and recording rightsholders we represent.”