Work Experience in Music

Work experience can be a great way to learn about the multitude of jobs available in the music industry and the skillset required to perform each one. Behind the scenes and away from the glitz and glamour of the stage, opportunities exist within the music industry in all shapes and sizes.
Work experience can help you start to build a network of useful contacts and give you a better idea of which area of the industry you might be best suited to. You could be destined for a job in live performance, venue management, a technical role or you could fulfil your aspirations to stand up for music rights by joining us at PPL. The music industry has a job that’s right for you if you search for it.
For more information about the different job roles available in the music industry, we recommend you explore the free resource in the creative choices area of the Creative & Cultural Skills website.
From time to time, where we can, we welcome work experience students into the PPL offices for short placements.
To inquire about the possibility of work experience, please get in touch at
Please note that due to the volume of inquiries we receive, we may not always be able to respond to you.