PPL publishes 2019 financial results and Annual Review
Earlier this month, PPL announced its financial results for 2019, revealing that a total of £271.8 million was collected last year (an increase of 10% on 2018) and that growth was achieved across all three revenue streams.

Broadcast and online income grew by 2% to £85.5 million; public performance and dubbing by 8% to £99.6 million, and international collections by 22% to £86.7 million.
In 2019 we also distributed money at least once to over 108,000 performers and 11,000 recording rightsholders, the first time that PPL has paid more than 100,000 different performers in a single financial year. In 2018, 94,000 performers and 10,000 recording rightsholders were paid. You can read the full press release here.
Our recently published Annual Review of 2019 delves deeper into PPL’s activity throughout last year. With statements from our Chair, John Smith, and Chief Executive Officer, Peter Leathem, it provides detailed information on a range of business areas including our three core revenue streams, various data initiatives, quality services to members, commitment to our employees, and continued charitable giving.
Take a look at our highlights in our 2019 film
View the Annual Review 2019 here